I needed a simple countdown timer to create a splash screen effect so I could jump to the next scene. In this example, I create a time governor that loops and keeps checking to see if the time has expired ( <= 0 ) then executes the actions.
Set Total Countdown Time
In your class create a float variable that will be the total amount of time to countdown and the reset time holder:public class CountDownTimer : Monobehaviour { float timeRemaining; // the timer float timeRemainingReset; // the timer reset
Add To A Main Update Loop
Add this code to any of your main update loops (Update, FixedUpdate, LateUpdate):void Update() { timeRemaining -= Time.deltaTime; // subtract time each frame if( timeRemaining <= 0 ) { // reset the timer timeRemaining = timeRemainingReset; // perform your actions (load next scene, move a gameobject, perform garbage clean up etc.) HealPlayer(); CheckCombat(); } }