Unity3D How To Create A Simple Countdown Timer

Unity3D How To Create A Simple Countdown Timer

I needed a simple countdown timer to create a splash screen effect so I could jump to the next scene. In this example, I create a time governor that loops and keeps checking to see if the time has expired ( <= 0 ) then executes the actions.

Set Total Countdown Time

In your class create a float variable that will be the total amount of time to countdown and the reset time holder:
public class CountDownTimer : Monobehaviour {

float timeRemaining; // the timer
float timeRemainingReset; // the timer reset

Add To A Main Update Loop

Add this code to any of your main update loops (Update, FixedUpdate, LateUpdate):
void Update() {
     timeRemaining -= Time.deltaTime; // subtract time each frame

     if( timeRemaining <= 0 ) {
          // reset the timer
          timeRemaining = timeRemainingReset;
          // perform your actions (load next scene, move a gameobject, perform garbage clean up etc.)

Unity3D How To Create A Simple Countdown Timer

Yet Another State Machine

Unity3D Yet Another State Machine

If logic in your controller to complex for ‘if’ or ‘switch\case’ constructions, here is small State Machine implementation for you.

Let’s start with example how to use this state machine, and then we go through implementation details:
public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    private StateMachine stateMachine;
    private State firstState = new State();
    private State secondState = new CustomState();
    private State finishState = new State();
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start ()
        var initChild = new State()
            .AddStartAction(() => Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " childInit Start"))
            .AddUpdateAction(() => Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " childInit Update"))
            .AddStopAction(() => Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " childInit Stop"));
        var childStateMachine = new StateMachine(initChild);
        stateMachine = new StateMachine(firstState);
            .AddStartAction(() => Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " 1 Start"))
            .AddUpdateAction(() => Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " 1 Update"))
            .AddStopAction(() => Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " 1 Stop"))
                state => Time.frameCount == 5, 
                state => Time.frameCount == 15,
                state => Time.frameCount == 10,
                state => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q),
            .AddTransition(s => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Y), finishState);
            .AddStartAction(() => Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " finish Start"));
    void Update()
public class CustomState : State
    public CustomState()
        StartAction = CustomStart;
        UpdateAction = CustomUpdate;
        StopAction = CustomStop;
    public void CustomStart()
        Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " custom start");
    public void CustomUpdate()
        Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " custom update");
    public void CustomStop()
        Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " custom stop");

Each state might have couple Start, Update and Stop actions. You can add them through AddStartAction\AddUpdateAction\AddStopAction methods. Those actions are not required, so state could have only Start and Update, but not Stop action, or could be even without any actions.

Also, each state might have transitions. To add them use AddTransition method. It takes predicate and next state as arguments.

If state machine is in a some state it will check all registered transitions of the current state. If any of conditions return true, it will go to next state and will call all actions Stop for current state and Start for next state.

If current state has transitions, but all conditions return false, state machine just call Update action of the current state and will check transitions again only in the next frame.

Here is State and StateMachine implementation:
public class State
    private readonly List transitions = new List();
    protected Action StartAction { get; set; }
    protected Action StopAction { get; set; }
    protected Action UpdateAction { get; set; }
    protected internal bool IsStarted { get; set; }
    protected internal void Start()
        if (!IsStarted && StartAction != null)
            IsStarted = true;
    protected internal void Update()
        if (IsStarted && UpdateAction != null)
    protected internal void Stop()
        if (IsStarted && StopAction != null)
            IsStarted = false;
    public State AddStartAction(Action startAction)
        StartAction += startAction;
        return this;
    public State AddUpdateAction(Action updateAction)
        UpdateAction += updateAction;
        return this;
    public State AddStopAction(Action stopAction)
        StopAction += stopAction;
        return this;
    public State AddTransition(Predicate condition, State nextState)
        transitions.Add(new StateTransition(condition, nextState));
        return this;
    public bool CanGoToNextState(out State nextState)
        for (int i = 0; i < transitions.Count; i++)
            if (transitions[i].Condition(this))
                nextState = transitions[i].NextState;
                return true;
        nextState = null;
        return false;
    public bool HasNextState()
        return transitions.Count != 0;
public class StateMachine : State
    private readonly State initialState;
    public State CurrenState { get; private set; }
    public StateMachine(State initialState)
        this.initialState = initialState;
        StartAction = Start;
        UpdateAction = Update;
        StopAction = Stop;
    public new void Start()
        if (IsStarted)
        CurrenState = initialState;
        IsStarted = true;
    public new void Update()
        if (CurrenState == null)
        if (!CurrenState.IsStarted)
        State nextState;
        while (CurrenState.CanGoToNextState(out nextState))
            if (CurrenState.IsStarted)
            CurrenState = nextState;
            if (!CurrenState.IsStarted)
        if (!CurrenState.HasNextState())
    public new void Stop()
        if (CurrenState == null)
        if (CurrenState.IsStarted)
        CurrenState = null;
As you can see, you can easily extend State by inherit from State class and specifying Start\Stop\Update actions. You can also use StateMachine as a State, so you can create hierarchical structure.

Unity3D Yet Another State Machine

How-To Play Video in Unity Project Using MovieTexture

Unity3D How-To Play Video in Unity Project Using MovieTexture

If you want to play movie clip in your Unity3d project you need to have Pro version!

If you are using Windows machine you also need to have QuickTime installed.

After you have everything prepared just drag (or copy) your movie clip into Asset folder, after that you will see it imported.

You need a MovieTexture instance to use imported clip. To play movie clip use following code:
MovieTexture movie;
public void Play()

To stop or pause:

You can access audio clip through audioClip field:

var audio = movie.audioClip;
Importing problems

First, check if you have Apple Quick Time installed.

If you working with a team, it might be a problem when someone imported videos in the project, but you still see them as a simple files. To fix that just select movies and reimport them. For some reason, Unity doesn’t do that automatically.

Unity3D How-To Play Video in Unity Project Using MovieTexture

Unity ReadOnly InputField

Unity3D ReadOnly InputField

New UI system was introduced in Unity3d 4.6, it includes InputField control, but this field could not be read only. You can make it non interactable by disabling “Interactable” property in the editor, but then you will not be able to select and copy text from InputField.

To have proper ReadOnly input field you should do small modification to the original control:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
[AddComponentMenu("UI/Read Only Input Field", 32)]
public class ReadOnlyInputField : InputField
    private Event m_ProcessingEvent = new Event();
    public override void OnUpdateSelected(BaseEventData eventData)
        if (!isFocused)
        bool consumedEvent = false;
        while (Event.PopEvent(m_ProcessingEvent))
            if (m_ProcessingEvent.rawType == EventType.KeyDown)
                if (!IsAllowedCombination(m_ProcessingEvent))
                consumedEvent = true;
                var shouldContinue = KeyPressed(m_ProcessingEvent);
                if (shouldContinue == EditState.Finish)
        if (consumedEvent)
    private bool IsAllowedCombination(Event evt)
        var currentEventModifiers = evt.modifiers;
        RuntimePlatform rp = Application.platform;
        bool isMac = (rp == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || rp == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer || rp == RuntimePlatform.OSXWebPlayer);
        bool ctrl = isMac ? (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Command) != 0 : (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Control) != 0;
        switch (evt.keyCode)
            case KeyCode.Home:
            case KeyCode.End:
            case KeyCode.LeftControl:
            case KeyCode.RightControl:
                return true;
            // Select All
            case KeyCode.A:
                if (ctrl)
                    return true;
            // Copy
            case KeyCode.C:
                if (ctrl)
                    return true;
            case KeyCode.LeftArrow:
            case KeyCode.RightArrow:
            case KeyCode.UpArrow:
            case KeyCode.DownArrow:
                return true;
        return false;

Now you can add this component to your control or replace InputField component with this one on existing game object.

Unity3D ReadOnly InputField

Unity WaitForFrames in Coroutine

Unity3D WaitForFrames in Coroutine

If you are using Coroutines in Unity3d, you probably know about WaitForSeconds, WaitForEndOfFrame and WaitForFixedUpdate classes. Here is an example:
public IEnumerator CoroutineAction()
    // do some actions here    
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); // wait for 2 seconds
    // do some actions after 2 seconds

But sometimes you need to wait for some amount of frames before executing some action. I have created simple class to help you with that:
public static class WaitFor
    public static IEnumerator Frames(int frameCount)
        if (frameCount <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("frameCount", "Cannot wait for less that 1 frame");
        while (frameCount > 0)
            yield return null;

Now you can wait for frames:
public IEnumerator CoroutineAction()
    // do some actions here    
    yield return StartCoroutine(WaitFor.Frames(5)); // wait for 5 frames
    // do some actions after 5 frames

Unity3D WaitForFrames in Coroutine

Unity Horizontal Field Of View for Camera

Unity3D Horizontal Field Of View for Camera

In Unity3d you can change only vertical field of view for a camera by default. This means whenever you change height unity will automatically scale environment. But if you change width unity will just add some space (or decrease) to left and right side of the screen (no content resizing).

If you want to have opposite behavior, so when you increase width all content will be scaled and if you increase height only space added to the view, you need to modify camera fieldOfView field.

Here is a simple component that do this:
public class HorizontalFOV : MonoBehaviour {
public float fieldOfView = 60;
void Update () {
    camera.fieldOfView = fieldOfView / ((float)camera.pixelWidth / camera.pixelHeight);

You can also modify it a bit to have the same view for default aspect ration:
public class HorizontalFOV : MonoBehaviour {
public float fieldOfView = 60;
void Update () {
    camera.fieldOfView = fieldOfView * (16f/9f) / ((float)camera.pixelWidth / camera.pixelHeight);

Unity3D Horizontal Field Of View for Camera

Unity3D Camera Shake Script

Unity3D Camera Shake Free Script

After much Googling for how to do a camera shaking effect in Unity, I decided to write my own small script to accomplish the effect. It combines both positional movement with rotational movement to simulate closely an actual camera shake.
The two key variables are:


Shake_intensity determines the initial intensity of the shaking — how much variance to allow in the camera position.


Shake_decay controls is the amount that shake_intensity is decremented each update. It determines if the shake is long or short.

var originPosition:Vector3;
var originRotation:Quaternion;
var shake_decay: float;
var shake_intensity: float;;
function OnGUI () {
   if (GUI.Button (Rect (20,40,80,20), "Shake")) {
function Update(){
   if(shake_intensity > 0){
      transform.position = originPosition + Random.insideUnitSphere * shake_intensity;
      transform.rotation = Quaternion(
      originRotation.x + Random.Range(-shake_intensity,shake_intensity)*.2,
      originRotation.y + Random.Range(-shake_intensity,shake_intensity)*.2,
      originRotation.z + Random.Range(-shake_intensity,shake_intensity)*.2,
      originRotation.w + Random.Range(-shake_intensity,shake_intensity)*.2);
      shake_intensity -= shake_decay;
function Shake(){
   originPosition = transform.position;
   originRotation = transform.rotation;
   shake_intensity = .3;
   shake_decay = 0.002;

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class cameraShake : MonoBehaviour
   private Vector3 originPosition;
   private Quaternion originRotation;
   public float shake_decay;
   public float shake_intensity;
   void OnGUI (){
      if (GUI.Button (new Rect (20,40,80,20), "Shake")){
         Shake ();
   void Update (){
      if (shake_intensity > 0){
         transform.position = originPosition + Random.insideUnitSphere * shake_intenity;
         transform.rotation = new Quaternion(
         originRotation.x + Random.Range (-shake_intensity,shake_intensity) * .2f,
         originRotation.y + Random.Range (-shake_intensity,shake_intensity) * .2f,
         originRotation.z + Random.Range (-shake_intensity,shake_intensity) * .2f,
         originRotation.w + Random.Range (-shake_intensity,shake_intensity) * .2f);
         shake_intensity -= shake_decay;
   void Shake(){
      originPosition = transform.position;
      originRotation = transform.rotation;
      shake_intensity = .3f;
   shake_decay = 0.002f;

Unity3D Camera Shake Free Script

Unity Localization Free Asset

Unity3D Localization Free Asset

Foundation Localization (v4.0) 3/8/2015

The localization service provides translation of UI elements and strings on demand.

  • It supports csv format
  • It partitions languages by folder : ie : Resources/Localization/English
  • It supports multiple files : ie : Resources/Localization/English/LobbyStrings.txt
  • Translate strings by asking for the key. LocalizationService.Instance.Get("key");
  • Automagical update of strings using the [Localized] annotation
  • Yandex translator built in (Like google translate)
  • TextBinder supports uGUI
  • Supports Unity3d 5


Unity3D Localization Free Asset

Unity Basic Low Poly Shader

Unity Basic Low Poly Shader

Just starting out with Unity shader programming.

Made this low poly shader:
Unity Basic Low Poly Shader

Shader "Custom/LowPoly2"
  _BaseColor ("BaseColor", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
  Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "LightMode"="ForwardBase" }
  LOD 100

   #pragma vertex vert
   #pragma geometry geom
   #pragma fragment frag
   #include "UnityCG.cginc"
   #include "UnityLightingCommon.cginc"

   struct appdata
    float4 pos : POSITION;
    float3 norm : NORMAL;

   struct v2g
    float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
    float3 norm : TEXCOORD0;

   struct g2f {
    float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
    fixed4 diffColor : COLOR0;
   v2g vert (appdata v)
    v2g o;
    o.pos = v.pos;
    o.norm = v.norm;
    return o;

   void geom(triangle v2g i[3], inout TriangleStream triStream)
    float3 commonNorm = i[0].norm;
    float4 worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, i[0].pos);

    half3 worldNormal = normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld, commonNorm));
    half nl = max(0, dot(worldNormal, _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz));
    fixed4 diff = nl * _LightColor0;

    g2f o;
    o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, i[0].pos);
    o.diffColor = diff;

    o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, i[1].pos);
    o.diffColor = diff;

    o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, i[2].pos);
    o.diffColor = diff;

   uniform float4 _BaseColor;
   fixed4 frag (g2f i) : SV_Target
    fixed4 mainColor = _BaseColor * i.diffColor;
    return mainColor;

Unity Basic Low Poly Shader

Unity Move Object with Lerp

Unity Move Object with Lerp
You can use Lerp function to move an object automatically. You just need start and end points. Object moves from start to end in time. You can assign start point and end point manually in script or with mouse click. These points may be another objects positions too. Just assign these points, attach this script to an object and let it move.

private float time = 2.0f;
 void Update () {
  Vector3 startPoint = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
  Vector3 endPoint = new Vector3 (0, 0, 3);
  transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (startPoint, endPoint, time);

Unity Move Object with Lerp

Unity Move, Zoom and Rotate Camera

Unity Move, Zoom and Rotate Camera

Move: It is same as moving character. Just use keyboard buttons and move camera with a float speed variable.
private float speed = 2.0f;
void Update () {
  if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)){
   transform.position += Vector3.right * speed * Time.deltaTime;
  if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)){
   transform.position += Vector3.left * speed * Time.deltaTime;
  if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)){
   transform.position += Vector3.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
  if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)){
   transform.position += Vector3.back * speed * Time.deltaTime;

Zoom: To zoom with scroll wheel, we need scroll wheel input to zoom in or zoom out.
private float zoomSpeed = 2.0f;
 void Update () {
  float scroll = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
  transform.Translate(0, scroll * zoomSpeed, scroll * zoomSpeed, Space.World);

Rotate: I will give an example with mouse button pressed but you can change it with any button or none. Just change or delete if(Input.GetMouseButton(0)).

We need maximum and minimum values for the axes and assign sensitivities.
public float minX = -360.0f;
 public float maxX = 360.0f;
 public float minY = -45.0f;
 public float maxY = 45.0f;
 public float sensX = 100.0f;
 public float sensY = 100.0f;
 float rotationY = 0.0f;
 float rotationX = 0.0f;
 void Update () {
  if (Input.GetMouseButton (0)) {
   rotationX += Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X") * sensX * Time.deltaTime;
   rotationY += Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y") * sensY * Time.deltaTime;
   rotationY = Mathf.Clamp (rotationY, minY, maxY);
   transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3 (-rotationY, rotationX, 0);

Unity Move, Zoom and Rotate Camera

Unity Move Object to Mouse Click Position

Unity Move Object to Mouse Click Position

No matter 2D or 3D, we use same method to move an object to mouse click position. We need to get mouse click position on ground or whatever, and move object to this position. Create a plane and a cube. We will move cube to any position on plane with mouse click. We get the mouse click position with Raycast.

public GameObject cube;
 Vector3 targetPosition;
 void Start () {
  targetPosition = transform.position;
 void Update(){
  if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){
   Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
   RaycastHit hit;
   if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)){
    targetPosition = hit.point;
    cube.transform.position = targetPosition;

Attach this code to plane and assign a cube as public game object. Now, press play and test it. Click anywhere on plane and see cube moving.

Unity Move Object to Mouse Click Position

Unity Mouse Click on Game Object

Unity Mouse Click on Game Object

There are two ways to perform click function on a game object:

1- Create and attach a script to the target object. Write this function in it.
void OnMouseDown()

2- You can use Physics.Raycast to detect target with ray. You must write this code in script which is attached to camera. Be careful, this code works ONLY if the object in scene has collider.
void Update()
 if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){
  Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
  RaycastHit hit;
  if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)){

Unity Mouse Click on Game Object

Unity Destroy Object by Hit

Unity Destroy Object by Hit

Before implement this code, please check if you add “Rigidbody” component to your objects and “Is Trigger” box is selected. Otherwise, it doesn’t work.

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider c)
 if (c.collider.tag == "Enemy")

Unity Destroy Object by Hit

Open Unity 5 project with right-click on folder

I wrote this little reg file because I was tired of navigating to folders to open them.
Gone are the days of having to go through all the work (tongue in cheek) of opening Unity, navigating to a folder. Now with this registry file, you simply right click on a folder and Open in Unity. If you are using a prior version of Unity (4 or prior) note that your folder will be c:\program files(x86) not c:\program files.

Download this and save it as UnityRightClick.reg (I'll typically save it into notepad and rename the text document). To import it into your registry double click on the file. Note that if you are using Windows and don't have it setup to view your file extensions, you may be trying to execute a text file, not a registry file. Ensure your file ends in .reg and not .txt so Windows will iport this into your registry.

Open Unity 5 project with right-click on folder

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"MUIVerb"="Open as Unity Project"

@="cmd /c start /D\"c:\\Program Files\\Unity\\Editor\\\" Unity.exe -projectPath \"%1\""


Unity Character Control with Keyboard

Unity Character Control with Keyboard

I will show you 2 ways to move your character with keyboard.

Unity Hello World

When you open Unity 3D, you will see a window like this. Under the “Hierarchy” title, a main camera is created as default and you can create your objects in here and see it in “Scene” window. In Scene window, you can move, rotate and resize your objects. When you select an object, its specifications will be shown in “Inspector” window. And if you press play button, your game runs in “Game” window. “Project” window includes all materials of your project such as images, materials, prefabs, scripts etc. You can change layout style by the options at top-left. Are you ready to say “Hello World”?

Click “Create” button under project title and create a C# script. Rename it as “HelloWorld”. Double-click on it and “Mono Develop” will be open as default if you don’t use another compiler. Type
Debug.Log("Hello World");

in Start function and save it. Back to Unity, drag HelloWorld script into the Main camera and press play. You will see our text in “Console” window. Functional scripts should be attached in a game object in scene to be used.

Unity Tile-Based Ground

Tile-Based Ground – Unity3D (C#)

To create a tile-based ground, we need a simple matrix system. A (row X column) matrix will take a plane texture and draw it in each cell.

public GameObject plane;
public int width = 10;
public int height = 10;

private GameObject[,] grid = new GameObject[30, 30];

void Start () {
 for (int x =0; x < width; x++) {
  for (int y =0; y < height; y++){
   GameObject gridPlane = (GameObject)Instantiate(plane);
   gridPlane.transform.position = new Vector2(gridPlane.transform.position.x + x, 
                gridPlane.transform.position.y + y);
   grid[x, y] = gridPlane;

Tile-Based Ground – Unity3D (C#)

Unity Grid System

Grid System – Unity3D (C#)

Grid system is used mostly in RTS games. Your characters or buildings move on grids. You need a matrix to create a grid system

public float cell_size = 2.0f;
private float x, y, z;

void Start() {
 x = 0f;
 y = 0f;
 z = 0f;

void Update () {
 x = Mathf.Round(transform.position.x / cell_size) * cell_size;
 y = Mathf.Round(transform.position.y / cell_size) * cell_size;
 z = transform.position.z;
 transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);

Grid System – Unity3D (C#)

Draw grid on the terrain in Unity

How to Draw grid on the terrain in Unity Tutorial

Drawing grid on the terrain is used in lot of game genres – RTS, Simulation, Tower defense, etc. It can be done very easily in Unity.

Destroyable terrain trees in Unity

How to Destroyable terrain trees in Unity Tutorial

To achieve destroyable terrain trees there is a little trick. You have to use trees without colliders and then create colliders dynamically from editor or at the start of runtime.

How to Create Simple Timer

Unity How to Create Simple Timer C#

A visible or background timer runs on most games. We will create an easy one which ticks seconds. In this tutorial we don’t use any value such as integer, float etc. We just need a GUI text. Let’s create.

Open your project and create a GUIText. Right-Click on hierarchy window, UI/Text.

Unity How to Create Simple Timer C#

Edit its text. This step is important because we will use this text. Set it as your timer beginning value.

Unity How to Create Simple Timer C#

Now create a C# script. In this script, we are going to take the value of GUIText and decrease it by 1 every second. Don’t forget to implement using UnityEngine.UI; lib because Text needs it.

public class Timer : MonoBehaviour {
	public Text scoreText;
	void Start () {
		InvokeRepeating("RunTimer", 1, 1);
	void RunTimer() {
		scoreText.text = (int.Parse(scoreText.text) - 1).ToString();

That’s it. Set your UI text as scoreText and run it. We got a “seconds” timer with a simple logic.

WorldPress (WordPress JSON API + Unity3D + HTML5 / WEBGL)

Can WordPress power a Unity5 website? What would it be like to play a Unity game where the content is influenced and managed by a WordPress website… can we play with WordPress data? Could we construct a world around it?

You can display gizmos in the game window

Unity: You can display gizmos in the game window

You can display gizmos in the game window just like you can do in the scene window.

Use Layers popup to lock objects and control visibility

Unity Use Layers popup to lock objects and control visibility

By placing your objects on different layers you can control if these objects should be locked on your scene or not. It may be a good idea to lock layers that you don’t want to move by accident (like ground game object). In order to lock a layer, use the Layers popup that is located in the top-right corner of your Unity editor.

Use [SerializeField] and [Serializable] properties to control class serialization

Unity: Use [SerializeField] and [Serializable] properties to control class serialization

By default Unity serializes supported public fields and ignores all private fields. You can control that behavior using [SerializeField] and [Serializable] attributes.
private int accumulator; // it will be serialized too!

You can also do the opposite – having a public field, but its value shouldn’t be stored.
public float currentHealth;

If you want to create a custom inner type (inside another class) and serialize it inside it, you must add to it a [Serializable] attribute.

class World : MonoBehaviour {
 public Bot[] bots;
 public class Bot {
  public string name;
  public int health = 100;
  [SerializeField] // you can use it here too!
  private int somethingHidden = 5;

Please refer to the Unity3D documentation to read more about [SerializeField], its limitation, and possibilities.

Unity Reset Transform values with only two clicks

Unity Reset Transform values with only two clicks

When creating new Game Object its transform values are set in a way that you can see this new object in your Scene window. If you want it to be a container for other objects or this should be just an empty management object with scripts attached, it is strongly recommended to place it at local 0, 0, 0 with no rotation and the default scale.

Use Game Object icons to clarify your scene view

Unity Use Game Object icons to clarify your scene view

For all your game objects you can define how it should look like in the scene view, even if this game object doesn’t have any renderer attached. For this purpose you can use nameless icon:

Per Character Animation - Free source code

Unity Per Character Animation - Free source code

Use Export Package option to share your work

If you’re not working alone, you need to find a way to share your project files with other people. Unity project files consists on hidden (by default) meta files which are responsible for keeping references. This is the reason why copying your Assets folder won’t work at all. Unity comes with unitypackage format that preserves all references between files and can be freely shared.

Hold ALT while opening Unity to open Project Wizard

If you don’t want to open the last project when opening Unity, just hold the ALT button when clicking on the Unity icon on your desktop (or right away after the double-click).

Hold ALT while opening Unity to open Project Wizard

The Project Wizard allows you to create a new project or open an existing one.

Low Poly Rocks Pack

Low Poly Rocks Pack - Free Download

Few day ago I posted several screenshots of my rocks and you guys liked it so much. Thanks.

3 Unity Optimization Tips

3 Unity3D Optimization Tips

We are nearing the end of our current project, and as such I am starting to look into optimizations. What better time to share some little-known Unity facts with others than right now?

How To Add UI Text Outline

Unity3D How To Add UI Text Outline

I had a scene with a colorful background and some UI text over it. The problem was that the text was hard to read because of the lack of contrast between the text color and the background. So I added a UI text outline component to the Text object.

Add Outline Component

Expand your canvas, select the Text object and go to the Inspector. Click the Add Component button and type in Outline, then click the result to add the Outline component.

Unity3D How To Add UI Text Outline

Customize Outline Component

The Outline component has only three features that you can edit. In my case, I had white text, black outline over light blue background. I left the default settings except I found that unchecking the “Use Graphic Alpha” helped a little.

I also added some text shadow which helped as well. Check out my article on how to do this in Unity3D How To Add UI Text Shadow.

Android Back Button Best Practice

Unity3D Android Back Button Best Practice

Google has done extensive analysis and focus group research on Android user behavior. One important issue that Google research has identified for Android developers is to always have a listener for the Back button. It seems that Android users become angry or irritated if the application or game ignores the back button. In Unity3D simply add the following code into your loop:

if (Input.GetKeyUp("escape")) {
 // Quit application

Unity3D How To Get Current Scene Name

Unity3D How To Get Current Scene Name

I created a simple countdown timer that jumped to the next scene. I wanted to reuse the same script for this effect, two times. Instead of rewriting the same script, I needed to detect the current scene name so the script knows where to jump next. Here is how:

Include The Namespace

Include the SceneManagement namespace in your project:

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

Get The Current Scene Name

Using the Start function you can grab the current scene name when the scene starts:

string currentScene;
void Start() {
     currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;

Load The Target Scene

Now that you have the current scene name, you can figure out what to do in your loop:

if( currentScene == "Intro" ) {
} else {

I was confused for a sec that the .name was a member of GetActiveScene() but it was cleared up when I found an example on the Unity3D forum.

How To Add UI Text Shadow

Unity3D How To Add UI Text Shadow

I needed to make the contrast between some text and background graphic more distinct. Adding UI text shadow helped. Here is how:

Add UI Text Shadow

Go to your Canvas, then the text object and then go to the Inspector. Now click the Add Component button and type in Shadow. Click to add the Shadow component.

Unity3D How To Add UI Text Shadow

Edit UI Text Shadow

The UI Text Shadow component has a couple of features that you can edit. For my needs, I only changed the X offset from 1 to 2. This helped make the text contrast a little more distinct and easier to read in the game window.

You can also add a text outline. See my article on Unity3D How To Add UI Text Outline.